
Kamodo provides a functional interface for space weather analysis, visualization, and knowledge discovery, allowing many problems in scientific data analysis to be posed in terms of function composition and evaluation. We'll walk through its general features here.

Kamodo objects

Users primarily interact with models and data through Kamodo objects.

from kamodo import Kamodo
kj/filesystem-disk-unix.c++:1690: warning: PWD environment variable doesn't match current directory; pwd = /Users/asherp/git/ensemblegovservices/kamodo-core

Function registration

Kamodo objects are essentially python dictionaries storing variable symbols as keys and their interpolating functions as values. New functions may be registered either at the initialization of the Kamodo object or later using dictionary bracket syntax.

kamodo = Kamodo(f = 'x**2')
\begin{equation}f{\left(x \right)} = x^{2}\end{equation}
kamodo = Kamodo('$x = t^2$')
kamodo['g'] = 'y-1'
\begin{equation}x{\left(t \right)} = t^{2}\end{equation} \begin{equation}g{\left(y \right)} = y - 1\end{equation}

Function composition

Kamodo automatically composes functions through specifying on the right-hand-side.

kamodo['f'] = 'g(x)'
\begin{equation}x{\left(t \right)} = t^{2}\end{equation} \begin{equation}g{\left(y \right)} = y - 1\end{equation} \begin{equation}f{\left(t \right)} = g{\left(x{\left(t \right)} \right)}\end{equation}

Here we have defined two functions , , and the composition . Kamodo was able to determine that is implicitly a function of even though we did not say so in 's declaration.

Function evaluation

Kamodo uses sympy's lambdify function to turn the above equations into highly optimized functions for numerical evaluation. We may evaluate for using "dot" notation:

Help on function _lambdifygenerated:

    Created with lambdify. Signature:



    y - 1

    Source code:

    def _lambdifygenerated(y):
        return (y - 1)

    Imported modules:

where the return type is a numpy array. We could also have passed in a numpy array and the result shares the same shape:

import numpy as np
t = np.linspace(-5, 5, 100000)
result = kamodo.f(t)
assert(t.shape == result.shape)

Unit conversion

Kamodo automatically handles unit conversions. Simply declare units on the left-hand-side of expressions using bracket notation.

kamodo = Kamodo('mass[kg] = x', 'vol[m^3] = y')
\begin{equation}\operatorname{mass}{\left(x \right)}[kg] = x\end{equation} \begin{equation}\operatorname{vol}{\left(y \right)}[m^{3}] = y\end{equation}

Unless specified, Kamodo will assign the units for newly defined variables:

kamodo['rho'] = 'mass/vol'
\begin{equation}\operatorname{mass}{\left(x \right)}[kg] = x\end{equation} \begin{equation}\operatorname{vol}{\left(y \right)}[m^{3}] = y\end{equation} \begin{equation}\rho{\left(x,y \right)}[\frac{kg}{m^{3}}] = \frac{\operatorname{mass}{\left(x \right)}}{\operatorname{vol}{\left(y \right)}}\end{equation}

We may override the default behavior by simply naming the our chosen units in the left hand side.

kamodo['rho(x,y)[g/cm^3]'] = 'mass/vol'
\begin{equation}\operatorname{mass}{\left(x \right)}[kg] = x\end{equation} \begin{equation}\operatorname{vol}{\left(y \right)}[m^{3}] = y\end{equation} \begin{equation}\rho{\left(x,y \right)}[\frac{g}{cm^{3}}] = \frac{\operatorname{mass}{\left(x \right)}}{1000 \operatorname{vol}{\left(y \right)}}\end{equation}


Kamodo will raise an error if the left and right-hand-side units are incompatible.

Even though generated functions are unitless, the units are clearly displayed on the lhs. We think this is a good trade-off between performance and legibility.

symbol units lhs rhs arg_units
mass mass(x) kg mass x {}
vol vol(y) m**3 vol y {}
rho rho(x, y) g/cm**3 rho(x, y) mass(x)/(1000*vol(y)) {'x': 'cm**(-3)', 'y': 'g'}

We can verify that kamodo produces the correct output upon evaluation.

assert(kamodo.rho(3,8) == (3*1000.)/(8*100**3))

Variable naming conventions

Kamodo allows for a wide array of variable names to suite your problem space, including greek, subscripts, superscripts.

kamodo = Kamodo(
    'rho = ALPHA+BETA+GAMMA',
    'rvec = t',
    'fprime = x',
    'xvec_i = xvec_iminus1 + 1',
    'F__gravity = G*M*m/R**2',
\begin{equation}\rho{\left(\alpha,\beta,\gamma \right)} = \alpha + \beta + \gamma\end{equation} \begin{equation}\vec{r}{\left(t \right)} = t\end{equation} \begin{equation}\operatorname{{f}'}{\left(x \right)} = x\end{equation} \begin{equation}\vec{x}_{i}{\left(\vec{x}_{i-1} \right)} = \vec{x}_{i-1} + 1\end{equation} \begin{equation}\operatorname{F^{gravity}}{\left(G,M,R,m \right)} = \frac{G M m}{R^{2}}\end{equation}

For more details on variable naming conventions, see the Syntax section.

Lambda functions

Kamodo borrows heavily from functional programing techniques, including use of the "lambda" function, an abstract representation of a function. Think of the lambda as a placeholder when no closed-form expression may be given for a registered function.

In the example below, the function rho contains an implementation which may be hidden from the end user. In this case, it simply hands the argument off to another library.

def rho(x):
    return np.sin(x)

When registering the above function as part of a Kamodo object, Kamodo will assign the greek letter to the left-hand-side following the Syntax Conventions. For the right hand side the generic is used to signify that no closed-form expression is available.

Kamodo(rho = rho)
\begin{equation}\rho{\left(x \right)} = \lambda{\left(x \right)}\end{equation}

If a function author wishes to provide a placeholder expression for the right-hand-side, they may do so using the @kamodofy decorator below.

@kamodofy Decorator

Many functions can not be written as simple mathematical expressions - they could represent simulation output or observational data. For this reason, we provide a @kamodofy decorator, which turns any callable function into a kamodo-compatible variable and adds metadata that enables unit conversion.

from kamodo import kamodofy, Kamodo
import numpy as np

@kamodofy(units = 'kg/m**3', citation = 'Bob et. al, 2018', equation='x+y') 
def rho(x = np.array([3,4,5]), y = np.array([1,2,3])):
    """A function that computes density"""
    return x+y

kamodo = Kamodo(rho = rho)
kamodo['den[g/cm^3]'] = 'rho'
\begin{equation}\rho{\left(x,y \right)}[\frac{kg}{m^{3}}] = x+y\end{equation} \begin{equation}\operatorname{den}{\left(x,y \right)}[\frac{g}{cm^{3}}] = \frac{\rho{\left(x,y \right)}}{1000}\end{equation}
kamodo.rho.meta # PyHC standard
{'units': 'kg/m**3',
 'arg_units': None,
 'citation': 'Bob et. al, 2018',
 'equation': 'x+y',
 'hidden_args': []}
array([4, 6, 8])
kamodo.rho.data # PyHC standard
array([4, 6, 8])

Original function doc strings and signatures passed through

Help on function rho in module __main__:

rho(x=array([3, 4, 5]), y=array([1, 2, 3]))
    A function that computes density

    citation: Bob et. al, 2018

symbol units lhs rhs arg_units
rho rho(x, y) kg/m**3 rho x+y None
den den(x, y) g/cm**3 den rho(x, y)/1000 {}


Kamodo graphs are generated directly from function signatures by examining the structure of both output and input arguments.

from plotting import plot_types

out_shape, arg_shapes


((1,), (('N', 'M'), ('N', 'M'), ('N', 'M'))) 3d-parametric plotting.surface
(('N',), (('N',),)) 1d-line plotting.line_plot
(('N',), (('N',), ('N',))) 2d-line-scalar plotting.line_plot
(('N',), (('N',), ('N',), ('N',))) 3d-line-scalar plotting.line_plot
(('N',), (('N', 3),)) 3d scatter plotting.scatter_plot
(('N', 2), (('N',),)) 2d-line plotting.line_plot
(('N', 2), (('N', 2),)) 2d-vector plotting.vector_plot
(('N', 3), (('N',),)) 3d-line plotting.line_plot
(('N', 3), (('N', 3),)) 3d-vector plotting.vector_plot
(('N', 3), (('M',), ('M',), ('M',))) 3d-tri-surface plotting.tri_surface_plot
(('N', 'N'), (('N',), ('N',))) 2d-contour plotting.contour_plot
(('N', 'M'), (('N',), ('M',))) 2d-contour plotting.contour_plot
(('N', 'M'), (('M',), ('N',))) 2d-contour plotting.contour_plot
(('N', 'M'), (('N', 'M'), ('N', 'M'))) 2d-contour-skew plotting.contour_plot
(('N', 'M'), (('N', 'M'), ('N', 'M'), ('N', 'M'))) 3d-parametric-scalar plotting.surface
(('N', 'M'), ((1,), ('N', 'M'), ('N', 'M'))) 3d-plane plotting.plane
(('N', 'M'), (('N', 'M'), (1,), ('N', 'M'))) 3d-plane plotting.plane
(('N', 'M'), (('N', 'M'), ('N', 'M'), (1,))) 3d-plane plotting.plane
(('N', 1, 'M'), (('N',), (1,), ('M',))) 3d-plane plotting.plane
(('N', 1, 'M'), ((1,), ('N',), ('M',))) 3d-plane plotting.plane
((1, 'N', 'M'), (('N',), (1,), ('M',))) 3d-plane plotting.plane
(('N', 'M', 1), ((1,), ('N',), ('M',))) 3d-plane plotting.plane
(('N', 'M', 1), (('N',), (1,), ('M',))) 3d-plane plotting.plane
(('N', 'M', 1), (('N',), ('M',), (1,))) 3d-plane plotting.plane
(('N', 'M', 1), (('M',), ('N',), (1,))) 3d-plane plotting.plane
(('N', 'M', 3), (('N',), ('M',))) image plotting.image

Kamodo uses plotly for visualization, enabling a rich array of interactive graphs and easy web deployment.

import plotly.io as pio
from plotly.offline import iplot,plot, init_notebook_mode
@kamodofy(units = 'kg/m^3')
def rho(x = np.linspace(0,1, 20), y = np.linspace(-1, 1, 40)):
    """A function that computes density"""
    x_, y_ = np.meshgrid(x,y)
    return x_*y_

kamodo = Kamodo(rho = rho)
\begin{equation}\rho{\left(x,y \right)}[\frac{kg}{m^{3}}] = \lambda{\left(x,y \right)}\end{equation}

We will generate an image of this function using plotly

fig = kamodo.plot('rho')
# pio.write_image(fig, 'images/Kamodo_fig1.svg')


See the Visualization section for detailed examples.

Latex I/O

Even though math is the language of physics, most scientific analysis software requires you to learn new programing languages. Kamodo allows users to write their mathematical expressions in LaTeX, a typesetting language most scientists already know:

kamodo = Kamodo('$rho[kg/m^3] = x^3$', '$v[cm/s] = y^2$')
kamodo['p[Pa]'] = '$\\rho v^2$'
\begin{equation}\rho{\left(x \right)}[\frac{kg}{m^{3}}] = x^{3}\end{equation} \begin{equation}v{\left(y \right)}[cm / s] = y^{2}\end{equation} \begin{equation}p{\left(x,y \right)}[Pa] = \frac{\rho{\left(x \right)} v^{2}{\left(y \right)}}{10000}\end{equation}

The resulting equation set may also be exported as a LaTeX string for use in publications:

print(kamodo.to_latex() + '\n.')
\begin{equation}\rho{\left(x \right)}[\frac{kg}{m^{3}}] = x^{3}\end{equation} \begin{equation}v{\left(y \right)}[cm / s] = y^{2}\end{equation} \begin{equation}p{\left(x,y \right)}[Pa] = \frac{\rho{\left(x \right)} v^{2}{\left(y \right)}}{10000}\end{equation}

Simulation api

Kamodo offers a simple api for functions composed of each other.

Define variables as usual (order matters).

kamodo = Kamodo()
kamodo['y_iplus1'] = 'x_i + 1'
kamodo['x_iplus1'] = 'y_i - 2'
\begin{equation}\operatorname{y_{i+1}}{\left(x_{i} \right)} = x_{i} + 1\end{equation} \begin{equation}\operatorname{x_{i+1}}{\left(y_{i} \right)} = y_{i} - 2\end{equation}

Now add the update attribute to map functions onto arguments.

kamodo.x_iplus1.update = 'x_i'
kamodo.y_iplus1.update = 'y_i'

Create a simulation with initial conditions

simulation = kamodo.simulate(x_i = 0, steps = 5)
simulation #an iterator of arg, val dictionaries
<generator object simulate at 0x7f8694d64050>

Run the simulation by iterating through the generator.

import pandas as pd
pd.DataFrame(simulation) # pandas conveniently iterates the results for display
y_i x_i
0 nan 0
1 1 -1
2 0 -2
3 -1 -3
4 -2 -4
5 -3 -5